How Can A Chiropractor Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome After An Auto Accident?

When people think of carpal tunnel syndrome, they may think of repetitive strain injuries caused by keyboard typing. However, The Journal of the American Osteopath Association found that carpal tunnel could develop from auto accidents, most likely because as a driver braces him- or herself, there can be blunt trauma from the steering wheel or dashboard. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when soft tissues place pressure on the median nerve. People with this condition may experience pain, arm/wrist weakness, decreased range of motion, numbness, and swelling. Read More 

Plantar Fasciitis? Consider Seeing A Chiropractor

Chiropractors are best known for their ability to treat back and neck pain. However, they are actually fairly well-versed in treating and managing a variety of biomechanical problems — not just those that are isolated to the spine. As such, if you are struggling with plantar fasciitis pain in your arch and heel, you should consider seeing a chiropractor. Plantar fasciitis often results from biomechanical issues further up in the hips and lower back. Read More 

4 Ways A Car Accident Chiropractor Helps Your Body Heal

A car crash can be a serious matter even when the damage to your car is mild. The forces on your body in a crash can cause injuries to your neck or back, although the pain may not show up right away. When you've been in an accident, it's a good time to see your chiropractor for an examination. A chiropractor might pick up on injuries your regular doctor overlooked. Here are four ways you might benefit from chiropractic care after a car accident. Read More 

3 Ways Your Child Will Benefit From Visiting A Kids Chiropractic Clinic

Most people think that chiropractic care is just for adults, but kids can benefit from it too. If you're a parent, meeting the individual needs of your little ones can prove challenging. This includes making sure they are getting the right amount of physical activity and mental stimulation. Here are three ways your child will gain from visiting a kids chiropractic clinic. 1. Better Sleep Kids need proper sleep to grow and develop. Read More 

3 Reasons You May Have To Take Your Child To A Chiropractor

It is nothing new to see more children and infants getting chiropractic services these days. Because babies are tiny humans with the same biological structures, you shouldn't be surprised when a doctor recommends taking your child to a chiropractor. Contrary to popular belief, chiropractic care has several benefits to babies just as they do to adults. If you were wondering why it might become necessary to take your child to a chiropractor, then you came to the right place. Read More