3 Types Of Alternative Treatments For Migraine Headaches

Twelve percent of the population in the United States suffers with migraine headaches. As if that weren't bad enough, more than 4 million people have chronic migraines and get at least 15 of these debilitating headaches a month. While there are prescription medications available, some migraine sufferers either can't take them or they choose not to because of the negative side effects. For those who want a more natural way to treat migraines, here are three alternative types of treatment. Read More 

Complementary Therapies That Work Well With Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is all about relieving pain, but more chiropractors are finding that adding complementary therapies to manipulations can give a wider range of options for better pain relief. The most effective complementary treatments are those that aim to relieve pain through helping the body heal itself. Acupuncture Acupuncture is an ancient healing art involving hair-thin needles that are carefully placed into the body at key points to direct the chi, or body energy flow. Read More 

Using Exercise To Treat Sciatica

People with sciatica experience pain along the sciatic nerve, often starting in the lower back or rear end and going down the back of the leg to the toes. The exact treatment recommended depends on the cause of the sciatica, but this condition typically improves with exercise. After the worst of the pain is over, bedrest can actually make the condition worse by weakening the muscles around the nerve. Before attempting any exercise or treatment, check with your doctor to make sure the pain you're experiencing is actually sciatica and not some other condition. Read More 

Treating Your Lower Back Pain By Nerve Stimulation

One of the treatment options available at your chiropractor's office is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, or TENS. This technique uses a small electrical charge to reduce your pain. The chiropractic care clinic will have units in their office to treat you, but there are also home units available. Here is how TENS can help your lower back pain when used in combination with other chiropractic approaches. How TENS is Used to Treat Back Pain Read More 

Been Avoiding Chiropractic Care? Here’s Why To Give It A Chance

More than 27 million Americans turn to a chiropractor each year for help with back or neck pain and even other ailments throughout the body. If you're not among this group but are suffering from pain that a chiropractor can address, it's time to take action. Regardless of the reason you've had for not seeking this type of medical care, stepping through the doors of the chiropractor's office can lead to life-changing improvements to your health. Read More